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5: Personnel
5.01a Recruitment International Staff.
The Pool
ImEd is responsible for assisting Shell schools with the recruitment of teachers. To do this it operates a pool system.
The selection process for the pool is aligned to the recruitment principles as set out in the Shell process guidelines for the recruitment of teaching personnel for Shell Schools.
The timeline for international staff pool recruitment is found in Appendix 19.
Miscellaneous points.
Current Shell teachers who are applying for another post are not required to have a preliminary interview. They automatically go into the pool.
ImEd provides oral feedback to any unsuccessful applicant who requests it.
ImED contacts those applicants who have teaching qualifications which are not automatically deemed to be equivalent to those of the UK. WCL advises them about how to apply for NARIC certification.
ImEd takes up references only at the point where schools are going to interview an applicant.
Appointment of teachers.
(The information set out here is for class teacher recruitment only)
When schools have specific vacancies they notify ImEd and we assist them in filling these vacancies. Sometimes schools will want to appoint a locally recruited teacher. On those occasions there will be a different procedure, which will be considered on a case-by-case basis. ImEd still has the responsibility to check the procedure and quality of the candidate.
An outline of the general procedures can be found in Appendix 20.
Schools notify the consultant when a vacancy occurs. They do this using a ‘vacancy notification form’ shown in Appendix 21.
The vacancy notification provides the consultant with basic information about the post and any specific requirements.
NB If a school wants to conduct interviews at the main recruitment days in January; it must submit its vacancy notification form(s) no later than 30th November.
Further information on international teacher appointments can be found in Appendix 22.
This information includes details on shortlisting, actions to be taken before the interviews and action to be taken after the interviews.
5.01b Recruitment Dutch staff.
Is done case by case by ImEd consultants with assistance of NOB where needed.
5.02 Staffing Levels.
Children’s learning in Shell schools and Shell affiliated schools should be supported by ensuring that there is an appropriate teacher pupil ratio that best meets the learning needs of the pupils.
The rationale for small class size includes;
Children often have missed school due to the transient nature of their lives.
Many children have very low levels of ability and experience in the language of tuition when they first join school.
Classes often contain children who have needs that require a significant amount of teacher time.
Children arrive with a vast range of social and educational experiences.
In calculating staffing levels the following points should be taken into consideration:
The availability and quality of classroom based learning assistants.
The number of children that do not speak the language of tuition to a standard that is generally required for that age group.
The number of children who have special educational needs.
The number of non-class based teachers who are able to help children with needs.
The teaching commitment of the head teacher.
Anticipated changes in the school population.
The available space in the classrooms and school.
The number of different year groups in a class.
As a basic and approximate guide to class sizes the following guidance may be used once all the points above have been taken into consideration:
Single year group classes should not normally have more than 25 children.
Mixed year group classes should not normally have more than 15 children.
5.03 Job descriptions.
All teachers in Shell schools should be provided with a job description setting out general and specific responsibilities. Model job descriptions are provided in Appendix 1. These represent minimum expectations to which schools can add additional requirements as appropriate.
5.04 Staff Functioning.
Staff functioning (otherwise known as ‘appraisal’ or ‘performance management’) must be conducted in accordance with Group and Operating Unit policies and procedures.
5.05 Staff Handbook.
Each school must have a staff handbook which sets out information and guidance for teachers.
The following areas should be covered in the handbook.
After school activities
Communication with parents
Curriculum planning
Educational visits
First aid
Health and safety
Parents’ evenings
Playground duty
Record keeping
School hours
Special events
Staff list
Staff meetings
Staff reviews
Term dates
Working hours.
5.06 Supply Teachers.
When teachers are absent from school it may be possible to appoint a supply teacher from the local expatriate community. Payment will depend on the operating unit’s policies and procedures.
As with all other types of appointment, any supply teacher will need to undergo a police check before taking up their position. Schools should seek the advice of ImEd on how to obtain this.
Supply teachers should be provided with guidance on how and what they are expected to teach so that children’s learning remains in accordance with the planned curriculum.
Each school should produce an information pack for supply teachers setting out details of what they might need to know. This pack might include material about:
Class list.
First aid.
Health and safety.
Long term curriculum plan.
Playground duty.
Record keeping.
School rules.
Taking registers.
How to get further information.
5.07 Staff Meetings.
Each school should have a regular (probably weekly) programme of staff meetings. In some schools these might include meetings for teachers in each stream as well as for the whole teaching staff.
Staff meetings are needed to discuss organisational matters. More importantly, they are needed to discuss aspects of children’s learning.
5.08 Professional Development.
Each school should pay attention to matters of professional development, including:
Having a professional development policy (Dutch HRM-policy), which addresses the development of staff and individual staff members in line with school improvement and school development.
Using staff meetings to discuss issues related to teaching and learning (creating a common perspective).
Organising school-based training sessions led by teachers at the school.
Organising school-based training with external trainers. Normally this is provided via ImEd.
Encouraging teachers to attend summer schools, especially those pertinent to the needs further development of the school such as courses focusing on the International Primary Curriculum.
Encouraging teachers to attend Bijscholing.
Encouraging teachers to undertake further study, e.g. by distance learning.
Subscribing to educational journals, e-zines and education websites.
Professional development activities be linked to reviews of staff performance (staff functioning) and the school improvement plan as well as to teachers’ own career development.
Schools are responsible for all costs pertaining to professional development, including direct payment to the service provider.
5.09 References.
Receiving references.
References form part of the recruitment procedure. ImED request references for those candidates who are put through to the final assessment stage. Shell Education Services Department advice the interviewing panel on when and how references should be used.
A standard letter to request references on teachers applying for posts in Shell schools can be found in Appendix 23.
Writing references.
As per Global Policy, Shell does not provide personal references for employees. Shell will verify work history and provide a testimonial stating factual information outlining an employee’s work history.
Head teachers may choose to write a character reference or personal statement about a member of staff. This should not be done on company headed paper, via a Shell email account or School headed paper. This is a personal statement and it should be clearly stated that the comments are not the viewpoint of Shell or Affiliated Companies.
Shell Staff can request a testimonial letter via HR Online by following this process: HR online - Life Events - Need My Employment Verified. Once the fields are completed, the HR service centre will handle the request.
If teachers do not have access to HR online, then they can contact the HR Service Centre or seek assistance from local HR, ensuring compliance with company policy.
Guidance on writing references is found in Appendix 24.
5.10 Leave days.
Although the minimum number of annual leave days will be the same as other IBAS expatriates based on the LOA of each location (as will the standard policy on leave carry over and buy out). The actual number of leave days granted will be set locally by the school given the length of school holidays etc.
5.11 Compassionate leave.
Please consult local HR for guidance on the management of compassionate leave. Please ensure guidance is sought before agreeing to compassionate leave.’ In all circumstances, requests should be made in writing and agreements documented and kept as a record. HR approval is necessary.
Handbook chapter Personnel: Tekst
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